We went camping for Spring Break (for five days in a tent!) and came home with buckets and boxes full of treasures from the sea. The beach we were at has tide pools, interesting and varied rocks polished smooth by the waves, and shells and sea glass of all different sizes and colors. But what to do with all the goodies, aside from putting them in jars and bowls and/or leaving them to gather dust in the garage?
I used some crochet cotton and the Klutz Hemp Bracelets book to create some wearable memories of our great week. This was the first one I made, just a trial run, and since then I've made a few more, with a few beads added in.
I also collected some smallish rocks with natural holes in them, that I hope to string up and make into necklaces. I want to do some crocheted rock covers, too. Ack! So many ideas, not enough time or energy.
I found this amazing, incredible, natural heart rock (I mean, isn't that freaking beautiful?!) but Jessica made me put it back into the water because she said the seaweed was still alive. I don't think it was, but couldn't tell her for absolute positive sure that is wasn't, so I was a good girl and put it back in the ocean. Thank goodness for cameras, or that sucker would have had to come home with me.
And one last souvenir I brought home? I had a pretty bad sunburn on the backs of my legs and my feet. I'm the one with the pink water shoes, so, yup, it now looks like I have some funky tattoos on my feet. At least they kind of resemble hearts - and thank goodness for socks!