So, I've been missing a lot of things lately. Missing my family at Thanksgiving because we couldn't travel, missing the kids' school activities, and missing from this blog space. Why? Because I got a job exactly one month ago. After 9+ years of not working outside the home, I finally accepted the fact that I need to financially contribute to the household, and after a few false starts, I got a wonderful job that I'm loving. It's seasonal, so I won't be working when the kids are out of school. Most days, I am still able to drop off the kids and pick them up at school, and man, that first paycheck sure felt wonderful. I get to be around books all the time, and I don't have to deal with customer service. Love!
Except for all the "missing," of course. I feel guilty about not helping out in the classrooms, I feel stressed when Rebecca's grades seem to be slipping, and I feel sad when Jessie wakes up at 4:52 a.m. to come into my bedroom because she knows I have to be at work before she starts school the next morning and is afraid I will leave the house without saying goodbye. I feel a pang every single day when I leave the kids, but I suppose we'll all get used to it. Sooner or later. I knew it was going to be hard, and a big adjustment, I just didn't think it would be such a physical feeling in the pit of my stomach every day.
Yesterday, Jessica said she'd pack me snacks for my lunch. I got a Hello Kitty container filled with goodies. Candies from her special Halloween stash, a Rice Krispie treat, crackers, and a love note. Just like the ones I write for her. Warmed and filled my heart for sure.