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Oh, poor baby. I'm glad she's not badly hurt but nonethless it sounds like she and you need lots of hugs right now.

My taller one was whacked hard with a branch by another child a few weeks back. I found that one very hard to forgive too, and she wasn't really hurt, just frightened - so don't feel too bad.


I'm glad she's okay. I can totally understand it being hard to forgive someone who hurts your child!

Elvis Pigsley is awfully cute!

Liz Anderson

It's for reasons like the injustice to your daughter that I was in favor of single-sex education for our daughter. We just couldn't swing it, since it would have required sending her out of state. Now that she's a teenager, it doesn't sound so bad!

Hang in there Mom!


Awww, poor girl. Boys!! They are sometimes incredibly rotten. I'd have a really hard time getting over that anger too! Hope she feels okays and dances up a storm!!


I realize this was a few weeks ago, but I hope your little one is recovered. There's no good way around bullying - it's just bad. I would feel absolutely the same way.

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