Tooth brushing has become even more important in our house now that everyone has at least a few permanent teeth in their mouth. Remember the post about our bathroom redo and my fantasizing about the vanities from CSN stores? Well, as a result of that post, I was given a gift certificate to use in any one of their 200+ online stores.
Took me a while to choose, but one thing I finally decided on was the My Prince Toothbrush Holder and Timer. It's cute, cute, cute, and the kids love flipping the timer and watching the sand run down as we brush teeth. 3 minutes is a long time, but with all the rinsing and flossing, you really do need all those seconds, and this helps me the kids take their time and not rush. It matches our bathroom so well, and I just love looking at it. It's instantly cheery. When I was a kid, I *hated* brushing my teeth. And as an adult, brushing my kids' teeth is a chore I like less than most others. So anything that makes it a little more pleasant gets a big thumbs up in my book!
Oh, that's adorable!
We are not good at spending long enough on our teeth - which is shocking given that my dad was a dentist and I used to be his dental nurse! Must Try Harder.
Posted by: dottycookie | Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 11:25 AM
That's cute Michelle and you're right, it matches the bathroom like you decorated around it. :)
Posted by: Liz | Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 11:58 AM
Cute idea!
Posted by: Beth | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 08:46 PM
oh my that is cute and brilliant! A mom must have invented that! :)
Posted by: Gretchen | Friday, October 29, 2010 at 08:12 AM
Where did you buy that? It's cute. How kind of you to brush your kids' teeth. I don't consider brushing my baby's teeth as a chore. It's way beyond that. You're fortunate to get along well with your kids. Most parents nowadays don't get along with their kids when it comes to brushing.
Posted by: Jesse Hake | Friday, January 06, 2012 at 11:00 AM