It's hard for me to believe, but it's been over six years since we made our first home purchase and have been living in this town house. When we moved in, there were cosmetic things we immediately wanted to improve. We didn't plan on staying too long, but like I said, now we're closing in on seven years here, and while we did repaint the upstairs bedrooms, the downstairs areas have been pretty much untouched. Who knows how much longer we'll be here? We might as well make the place the way we want it right now, rather than fixing it up just in time to sell it. I know we'll be happier with just a little paint, a little organization and elbow grease (and ripping out the disgusting carpet, but we won't talk about that just now).
One of our biggest projects that we did finish was the small upstairs bathroom. It was pretty tragic when we moved in.
Two things that don't belong in a bathroom (particularly a tiny one without a window) are wallpaper and wall-to-wall carpeting. Please, people, when you're building a home, can you rethink the whole wall-to-wall-carpet-in-the-bathroom thing? And Don't. Do. It. Just restrain yourself.
I honestly don't remember taking down the wallpaper... maybe my husband did it all while I kept Rebecca (who would have been less than 2 years old) occupied. We used mildew resistant primer and paint, and the bright yellow and white color scheme does wonders for opening up the tiny bathroom, brightening it up a lot.
Getting that carpet out (years later) was just the greatest feeling! Our new floor is made up of small tiles, probably 1" squares and 1" x 2" rectangles, but they came in square foot sheets that are laid down in blocks. Very neat. With just paint, we spruced up that yucky little sink and made it look loads better. New knobs would do wonders, too, I know.
Now, it's time to tackle the downstairs master bath. It's... bad (thus, no pictures). Peeling Southwestern-ish wallpaper (though uncarpeted, thankfully!), and it's much bigger than the upstairs bath, so it's much more daunting. We have no budget to spend on this, so we'll just remove the wallpaper, repaint *everything,* and dream about a new bathroom vanity, like this or this (my husband probably won't vote for that last one). Wish me luck, but don't hold your breath. It's been almost seven years. Can I get this done in the less-than-seven weeks left of summer vacation?