When Jessie and I went to pick up Rebecca from school the other day, she appeared holding a baggie full of miniature marshmallows and a fistful of toothpicks. Jessie squealed, with visions of hot chocolate and blissful munching. I asked Rebecca where she got them, and she said the class had them but she got to take them home because no one else wanted to. Hmmm. That seemed strange, a class full of sugar-crazed 7 and 8 year olds not wanting miniature marshmallows? As Jessie was about to pop one in her mouth, I figured out that they had been used by the entire 2nd grade class to make geometric shapes... To my ears, that meant touched by 24 germy, possibly flu-carrying hands.
Needless to say, there was no hot chocolate, and no munching allowed. But Jessie had fun anyway, creating and playing, with The Marshmallow Incident (written and illustrated by the same team who did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) lying open on the table. She constructed for nearly an hour, while Rebecca did homework. Who knew half a baggie of marshmallows and a fistful of toothpicks would be so entertaining?
And yes, as she was in the bathroom washing her hands, I was wiping down the dining room table with an antibacterial wipe.
And visions of stomach bugs danced in my head ...
I admire their restraint in not eating any! If it had been mone (and I would have had the same reaction as you did) I'd probably have had to bribe them with something else ;-)
Posted by: dottycookie | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 at 11:19 PM
How clever and cute. How did you get them to not eat one? Do you think they snuck some? LOL
Posted by: Liz | Wednesday, March 03, 2010 at 04:16 PM
Fantastic little creative outlet for kids... someone gave me a HUGE bag of wine corks for my kids to play with... they create cork boats in the same fashion with toothpicks and then have cork boat races in our pool or tub, depending on the weather...
Posted by: Julie | Thursday, March 04, 2010 at 11:04 AM
You are so fun and creative...Do you need any more in real life frednis? LOL :)I can't wait to try these with my kids....infact I think we will try this very thing today since the weather didn't hold up for our swimming adventure. I don't feel like bowling today so marshmallow dunking it will be! Thanks for the great ideas!
Posted by: Genzoak | Tuesday, December 04, 2012 at 02:20 AM