Last weekend we went to a 5-year-old's backyard bounce-house/double piƱata birthday extravaganza. We brought our own lunch.
The real gift was the Mimi the Sardine ladybug lunch bag, but that seemed kind of boring for a five year old, so I included a bag of felt chips and a felty sandwich (scroll down a bit and look in the sidebar on the right) with bologna, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce.
Everything came straight from my stash. Yup, I didn't have to purchase a dang thing. All the felt for the pink bologna, the yellow cheese, white bread, crust, light green lettuce, red tomatoes... all purchased on sale years ago and added to the stash. The perle cotton I used for the embroidery, the batting, all of it was from stuff I had on hand. Kind of cool, kind of scary the size of my stash, huh?
The lettuce is genius, and I love how the whole sandwich is life-sized, fitting perfectly into a Hello Kitty sandwich bag.
It was a big hit, with the adults and kids alike. Thanks so much to generous bloggers out there, who give my gift-giving that extra flair. I've had tutorials to share with you all inside my brain, but no time to blog or photograph them. Some have been brewing for over a year, but who knows when I'll finally (if ever) get around to writing them up? After the next holiday, the next event, the next vacation. But things always get in the way. Other obligations come up, things with deadlines. So the creative stuff just gets pushed further and further back. Most days I wish I didn't have to go to sleep, so I could get more done.
I already know that this week is going to be crazy, too; I'm in charge of the Book Fair at the elementary school running all week long. I'll be there from 8 until 3, and Thursday is Open House. Crazy busy, but I'm trying to savor every minute. Jessie graduates from preschool this June, and next year will be in Kindergarten while Rebecca enters the 3rd grade. It stuns me. I remember the third grade, vividly. And now my *daughter* is almost there. I'm trying to take it all one day at a time, and enjoy the moment we're in, and breathe in and out, and hold on to it, tightly.