I have two 1" bias tape makers, because I bought one when they were on clearance at a store years ago, then couldn't find it when I needed it, so bought another one when I just had to have it right away. Now, of course, I know where both are. You know, in case, for some reason, I must use two identical bias tape makers at the exact same time.
I also have at least four or five sets of size 3 double pointed knitting needles, because sometimes you just don't feel like rooting around for that half-finished sock before you start another project, and the same goes for crochet hooks, embroidery needles, skeins of embroidery floss, safety eyes, disappearing ink pens, whatever. A dollar or two here, a few quarters there. I know I have a half-used bag of fiber-fill somewhere, but often it's just easier to get a new bag with my 40% off discount coupon.
But one light box is enough, and that's where I draw the line. I can't for the life of me find mine. I know exactly where it was before Christmas. But then I hosted a Christmas Eve party for a few friends and relatives, and now I don't know where I stashed the light box in my cleaning frenzy. I've searched every closet, every box, shelf, table, stack, nook and cranny. Even the garage. And I can't find it. I'm the one who put it away, and now I haven't a clue where it is.
I was all set to start on some embroidered birds for
Regina's swap, but now I think I might have to change my plans. Maybe some freehand cutting and embellishing, maybe crochet, maybe paper? I dunno, we'll have to see what develops. And maybe right after I publish this post, my light box will want to come out of hiding.
So, what's the biggest thing *you've* ever lost?