I've worn glasses since I was in the 7th or 8th grade, and only briefly (due to peer pressure) wore contacts for a couple of years at the end of high school and as a freshman in college. Then I got allergic to the contacts, and I never really liked them anyway, so back on went the glasses and now I don't think they'll ever leave me. I'm used to them, and I think I actually look better with them on. My only waking moments without them are when I'm in the shower, I even wear them during water aerobics class. No Lasik for me, no thank you.
A few weeks ago I saw one of my daughter's classmates sporting a shiny new pair of silver glasses, and I gushed quite enthusiastically, "Oh, look! You got glasses!" And was immediately met with a face that was less than pleased. Oops. Totally put my foot in my mouth that time, didn't I? His mom quietly said over his head, "Yes, and he's not too happy about it." Oh. Yeah. Like I said, oops. He's a nice, sweet boy, and I felt so stupid and mad at myself for not thinking before speaking.
So I just had to make him this little guy as a peace offering. The basic pattern can be found
here, but you can do so many things to make him (or her) unique and personalized. Why doesn't he have a body, you ask? Because it's not a doll, it's a fully functional nightstand accessory.
The morning after I gave this to his mother, I got a huge smile from him and a "thanks for making me the little head." He laughed and said he thought it looked like himself. So we're friends again. Whew.