Jessie's little "Po-eee", held in her chubby little hand.
My husband and I don't do Santa Claus. I can't remember which comedian it was who did a whole bit about how, when he was growing up, there was never any Santa Claus. His dad would say, "There ain't no fat white man in a red suit. I did that. I worked hard, all those gifts are from me and your ma." Well, I kind of agree. Why give someone else the credit? We still read The Night Before Christmas, and we don't actively discount Santa, but we don't make a big deal about him, either.
This year, however, after all the Christmas Day hubbub died down, Rebecca suddenly got sad. She said Santa forgot about her and Jessie, because there was nothing under the tree from him. She ran to our couch, which we have backed up to the hearth to block the kids and the cat from the fireplace, and said maybe he couldn't get in because of the furniture? Yikes! Mommy had to think fast. I ran into the other room, hastily wrapped one pink and one lavender My Little Pony (from my stash of sale and dollar store items saved for just such occasions), made sure they sported large "From Santa" tags, and tossed them behind the couch (in front of the fireplace) when she wasn't looking. It totally worked, and Jessie now has to have hers every night before she goes to bed, and she brings it downstairs with her when she wakes up. She squeals "Po-E!" whenever she sees a pony, and so... we had our theme for this year's birthday party.
One of my least fancy cards ever, I think. Ah, how our standards drop when we're tired and stretched too thin. Oh well, they were super fast, and they're done. Half are already in the mail, the other half will have to wait until Monday, when I can go and buy some more envelopes.
Thank goodness for a little bit of glitter, or I would have been too mortified to send these out.